Sunday 13 April 2008

Of Monkeys and Mysticism

The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission has banned advertisements of private wireless telecommunications provider XL and supernatural consultant Ki Joko Bodo from television.

Commission chairman Sasa Djuarsa Sendjaja said a commission plenary meeting on Thursday unanimously agreed the two ads were dehumanizing and offended religious norms.

The XL ads show a man who is married to a monkey and swears to take a goat as his second wife if he can find a cheap cellular phone rate. In his advertisements, Joko says he can help turn ailing businesses into profitable enterprises.

Brilliant, bestiality live on TV and Jakarta’s Paul Daniels are getting the “we like that, but not a lot” treatment.

Anyone know a link to where I could watch the adverts on Youtube..(If it has been unbanned)


  1. Hi there,
    My name is Rebecca Milne, I'm a reporter with the Herald on Sunday newspaper in Auckland, NZ, and I would like to talk to you about Wayne Eglinton and getting in contact with friends and family for a newspaper tribute. Can you please email me at so we can discuss further? Thank you very much.

  2. Rebecca, I'll forward your request on and copy you what I will send....

  3. Hi, it's Rebecca here again.
    Did you have any luck with my request? Would be great if you could pass on an email contact for a member of his family.
    Thanks :)
