Thursday 28 May 2009

The Country that Cares

That's it, just as I was almost convinced that thing's were settling down and calmness had re-entered the parliament, news of the latest fuckwittery hit the streets!

Jakarta is not renowned for being pedestrian friendly, in fact the pavements are normally understood to be an overspill for motorbikes and food vendors. The initiative that has been most discussed recently has been road safety and clearing the pavements of hazards and much emphasis on this subject has been made in the media.

Not to be left out, the parliament  came up with this "doosie" which further undermines their credibility..... 

"Disabled pedestrians in Indonesia are required to wear signs identifying them as handicapped under new traffic regulations passed unanimously by parliament.

Amendments to the Traffic and Transport Law passed today state "handicapped pedestrians must wear special and clear signs which can be easily recognised by other road users".

The lawmaker in charge of the committee which drafted the amendments, Ahmad Muqowam of the Islam-based United Development Party, said they were designed to protect disabled people from road accidents.

"This is a humanistic act. It's for their safety on the streets," he said.

Asked what the signs should read or where people should wear them, he said this was up to the Government to decide at a later date.

"All technical things will be explained later in Government regulations," he said.

"They won't be penalised if they flout the rule; it's only a precaution for their safety," he added.


I no longer know whether to laugh or cry, the fact that legislation like this can be passed at such a high level worries me intensely. 

As an afterthought, why don't they pass a law that ensures the Lawmakers are obliged to wear signs with their IQ level clearly marked... at least one would know who to blame for the next set of nonsensical rules that they approve!



    News from "home".

    So, which country is the most corrupt now then?

  2. Ironically it is a question that I have been asking myself since this particular shitstorm surfaced.

    As each "Expenses Claim" is exposed, I truly wonder how deep this rot lies and in honesty, personal political alliances aside, earnestly wish that the current government collapses and that fresh elections along with controls over reimbursement take place as soon as possible.

    It seems that rather than naming and shaming the guilty parties, the UK Press should concentrate on exposing those who have done no wrong. I am sure that that list would be much shorter than the one which is unfolding on a daily basis.
