Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Raving Monster Looney Party (Not in Indonesia)

Candidates looking to be elected to seats in Riau Provincial and Pekanbaru Mayoralty Legislatures could not be arsed fulfilling the requirements of their candidacy and sent “look-alikes” to regulation health tests ahead of the 2009 general election.

From the Jakarta Post:

"The misdemeanor was disclosed when the paramedic team discovered popular figures, wanting to contend in the upcoming legislative election, had sent other people to take the medical examination (on their behalf)," a spokesman of the General Hospital in Pekanbaru, said yesterday.

Apparently, this is not the first incident as this had already happened at Tampan Mental Hospital, where candidates had to undergo a series of mental tests.

"The unfair practice was uncovered when written test results were found to differ from interview results," said a “Doctor”.

"All cheating candidates are required to redo all the tests." (How can they re-do them if they never did them in the first place?)

Now, the interesting thing is not the fact they cheated (they are after all Indonesian Politicians) but, the fact they were undergoing “Mental Tests”

What’s the pass mark? What do you discover about your candidate?

And more importantly, why is it only Indonesia that makes this mandatory. (Citations required)

Think of the state of world politics today would be if all elected politicians had to pass a “Mental Test”.

Seems that these dudes took the pretence pretty seriously as most candidates appear to have paid their proxies between US$54 to $108 for the written exam, which is a great deal of money in Pekanbaru……..

1 comment:

  1. We're all mental, Dilli.
    Why else would we be here?
