Friday, 22 August 2008

Islamic dating Site

Nice Eyes

Had to giggle, it's for real. Finding your perfect parner has never been easier!



  1. Fair chance. I've had it on my hard drive for a while and stumbled across the website yesterday.

    /talk does reveal some crackers now and then...

  2. Don't they say that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"?

    There was an article in The Sunday Times about dating in Arabian country, both of them never met each other and only communicated through mobile phone, and even that was not allowed and they had to sneak behind everybody's back.

    PS: I have changed my blog's address, could you please kindly update it in your blogroll? it's Much appreciated.

    PS again: it's 25 degree today. Thought you should know! Very warm!

  3. I didn't think they were your type... but well, i guess to each their own.

    Personally, i don't date ninjas.

  4. Aren't the eyes the mirror to one's soul?

    The only problem I see is the photo of the women with the shades as I would probably be a little reluctant to pursue a partner based on just her eyebrows...but that is just me!

  5. Look I asked all my friends and we voted, the result;
    The eyes have it!!!

    Hey Tree, Surely a pink Ninja would be worth a try.

  6. No shit the word verification for the last comment was ipork

    Down right spooky!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Ha ha ha , wish I could keep that word virifier....
