Sunday, 31 August 2008


Recently Kompass, the largest selling newspaper in Indonesia reported that the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission had reprimanded television stations for airing animated television shows deemed unsuitable for children.

The quote went as follows:

"After three warnings, transmission of the shows will be temporarily suspended until the stations make improvements," independent TV observer Arif Fuckwit said, “adding that the shows were unsuitable for children due to the amount of violence and impropriety contained “.

Apparently, the main issue arose from three animated shows -- Bleach, Detective Conan, and Naruto which it is claimed violated the 2002 law on child protection and had been misclassified. (Fuck knows what these are about?)

"People often think that just because its cartoon, it's for children. This is not necessarily the case. Some are quite violent," Fuckwit, who is also an education expert, said.

It seems that Pak Fuckwit, (who in addition to being an independent TV observer and an education expert is also the chairman of an independent TV review panel), said the panel came to a decision after reviewing 84 episode titles for children and teenagers from a total of 316 episodes aired by nine television stations between June 14 and June 31 this year.

Well bugger me, that is a whole bunch of cartoons in two weeks. I don’t know about you, but, I can just about manage 30 seconds of any animation and to be honest am thankful that Dilligaf Junior has moved on from Sponge Bob Square Pants et al.

Here comes the killer.

”The KPI is also in process of reviewing two other cartoons shows, including Tom and Jerry, and a popular children variety show known as Idola Cilik ”

Get the f*ck out of here! Out off all the cartoons mentioned I can only claim to have seen Tom and Jerry but, it says that something is far wrong with the panel’s heads when they suggest that Tom and Jerry is unsuitable for children.

Now banning SouthPark and Family Guy (both of which are mandatory viewing in Chez Dilligaf – saves having to explain a lot regarding deviance and sexual education) I can understand, but I honestly feel the panel may have got things wrong.

All one needs to do is watch Indonesian News Channels and one can view road accident victims, murder victims, suicide cases, victims of family abuse and the families of the deceased mourning openly, rubberneckers jumping around while the TV crews move through for the goriest shot of the site in question.

Rather that piss around watching cartoons I would suggest Pak Fuckwit and his panelists concentrate on the latest footage of accident victims and Baygon drinkers before criticising Tom and Jerry…..


  1. Don't you feel all warm and fuzzy knowing that the review board are so diligent in protecting our youth from immoral influences.

    Probably explains why I turned out the way I did, no guiding morality board stopping me watching Tom and Gerry.

    Who can I sue????????

  2. That's a wonderful thing about Indonesia. Incredibly hypocrite.

    By the way, I find it a bit strange that nudity is considered normal in UK (think all over Europe are like that) but there's a strict regulation on rude words and violence image. America is the other way around. No boobs, but blood and swearings are everywhere.

  3. not to inflame anything here, but i was going to write something the other day when i SWEAR i saw an octopus thingy on telly.

    ask Rob if you're not sure what i'm talking about.

  4. what's the guy's name again? Fuckwit? lolz

  5. oh yeah, now i remember... that "fuckwit" name is indeed an aptronym =D

  6. toshi, I think it is the most common surname in Indonesia.

    Tree, not biting, first Penguins, now Octopi.......

    Anita, the hypocrisy is what keeps this place interesting...

    GJ, In your case I am afraid the statute of limitations ran out on this one a long time ago
