Sunday, 6 April 2008

DIY Metro Mad

One of the better things about being online is the fact that you meet a good number of kindred spirits, amny of whom share the same sense of humour. Among them is the writer of the

Metro Mad

column in the Jakarta Post Sunday edition. Simon is a "good egg" but I think he may be out of work shortly.

Two other acquaintances (Kuku & Ken) whose locations must remain top secret collaborated on a DIY Metro Mad which was aimed at giving Simon a bit more free time to indulge in "Wine Women and Song"

In true Dilligaf style I have stolen the code and proudly present:

Do-It-Yourself Metro Mad Column

Hello readers, this week's Metro Mad tackles the subject of .

Recently, one of my invited me to .

Upon arrival, we saw shouting and equipped with .

Their action, which follows , could and affect .

Regular readers of will know .

Well, that's all for now folks, I'm off to .

1 comment:

  1. Could not have said it better, anonymously or otherwise.

    The formulae is out.

    all in good fun of course.
