Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Airports again

Been up to the proverbial testicles in it all week. Once again sitting at the departure area, Bintang at 11:00 am cannot be healthy (But who cares)

Off to Bangkok for two days (what a shame), only thing is this time I'll try to post.......


  1. in my book these days, alcohol is always healthy.

    good luck

  2. I feel the same way!

    "Some people have a gene defect that inhibits the conversion of essential fatty acids t o to series 1 prostaglandins. This defect seems to appear mostly in certain people from Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands. The series 1 prostaglandins have specific antidepressant effects. By helping the conversion to series 1 prostaglandins take place, alcohol serves as a type of treatment for any depression".

    Read into that what you may, but for me it explains a lot about myself. Not only is my Bintang Beer a nice way to finish the day, it also helps keep the “heebie-jeebies” at bay.

    Now if I could only say the same for my Dutch and Irish acquantainces.
