Indonesia has passed its new Porn Laws, despite the fact that existing laws were already in place in a move to placate the growing Islamic concern regarding what is on the TV and lying on the beaches of Bali.
What's all the fuss about, here's the condensed version!
Chapter 1:
1. Pornography is sexual material that is made by humans by form of picture, sketch, illustration, photo, writings, vocalizations, sounds, moving picture, animations, cartoon, rhymes/poems/prose/verse, lewd sexual gestures (straddling, blowing kisses, miming oral sex), eurythmics or lewdness deliberately disguised as double entrendre communications - communicated or transmitted via media communications and/or public shows/exhibits/performances that arouses sexual propensities/desires/longings and/or contravenes community ethics/decency/ morality
Well that's me buggered!
2. Porn services are defined as the genus of porn services prepare for people, peoples or corporations/business entities that show/exhibit/preview/display directly, via cable television, terrestrial tv, radio, telephone, Internet, and other communications along with written/published documentations as newspapers, magazines and other printed materials.
That's the computer out of the window now!
3. Every person is defined herein as a person, people or corporations that are subordinate to the law, as embodied by law as well as or in spite of not being represented by law.
This means politicians and policemen are exempt
4. Children are defined herein as those aged below 18 years of age.
No issues there!
5. Government or State is defined as the Central Government as lead by President of Republik Indonesia as held by the National Government of Republik Indonesia as defined by Common Law/regulations of Constitution 1945.
See 3 above!
6. Regional Government is defined as the Governor, District Chief, or Mayor and the Regional Government apparatus and complex.
See 3 above.
SECTION 2:Basis and Prohibitions
The Foundation of Pornography Regulations is based on the God the Supreme Almighty, admiration and respect of the dignity and worth of humans, diversity, the Rule of Law, non-discrimination and protection of Citizens/Civilians of the State
See 1 above.
Section 3: Purpose of Porn Rules:
a:To shape, protect and maintain Social Order of the Community add Community Ethics, Supremacy of Privacy, the priceless value of God, and admiration and respect of the dignity and worth of humans
b. To cultivate and instruct a moral and ethic Community
c. Construct by Necessity Laws for the Protections of the Civilian from Pornography, most especially Children and Women
Guard against porn and commercialization of sex within the Community
Thats 1/2 of Jalan Faletehan and complete blocks in North Jakarta out of business!
Chapter 2:
Section 4:1
Every person is forbidden to manufacture, fabricate, commercial quantity duplicate, reduplicate, spread about/distribute, broadcast, importation, exportation, make for sale, trade in, lease/rent, prepare/make available or store/lay-away PORN which has the following
e- coital acts, foreplay and sexual diversions pertaining to coitus f- sexual violence
g- masturbation or onanism
h- nudity or illusions/allusions to nudity
i genitalia
That's Mannga Dua, Ambassador, Ratu Plaza and numerous other malls out of business!
2: Every person is forbidden to set aside/prepare porn which:
a- depicts explicit nudity or illusions of nudity
b- depicts explicit genitalia
c- exploitational or pedantic allusions to sexual activities
d make or advertise in sense of commercialized publications in spite of no
relation to sex
That's 1/2 of the alternative newsheets in Jakarta out of business
Section 5:
Every person is forbidden to borrow, or “pick fruit” as per Sec 4, subsec 1
That's the orchard in the back garden gone!
Section 6:
Every person is forbidden to [sic implication of public act of] listening, watching/viewing, utilising/exploiting/employing, possessing, or store away/have in storage Porn as defined by 4:1,
EXCEPT from those bestowed with Authority or Regulations.
See 3 above!
Section 7:
Every Person is Forbidden to ease or facilitate deeds as defined/pertaining to 4
Section 8
Every Person is Forbidden to be an object or model be an object of Porn
Section 9
Every Person is Forbidden to make another person an object or model be an object of Porn
Section 10:
Every person is forbidden to view [sic implication publicly or in public place] personally or exhibit/perform in the general public nude depictions, exploitations of sex, coital acts, or other that alludes to Porn [sic as per definition of Section 4].
Section 11:
Every person is forbidden to engage/involve/invoke/entangle children in activities or objects pertaining to that as defined by any single one or combination of Sections 4-6, 8-10.
And so it goes on...until we reach here....
Actions Concerning the Community
The Community has a role to play within the scope of the precautionary execution measures concerning generation of, distribution of, and utilization of Porn
Actions Concerning the Community as pertaining to Section 21, in the execution of in the style of:
Report Infringements or violations of these Regulations
execution of Suitor Liaisons to the Court
Execution of the “socialisation” of rules, regulations which regulate Porn
execute constructions of behalf f the Commubntiy that warn of the dangers and impact of Porn
That's the scary bit.
Essentially broad interpretation on the last section has been seen as allowing vigilante groups free to roam the countryside, peeking through ones curtains and, if they see a bit of flesh, have you arrested.
I fear many young Indonesian ladies, in shopping malls will most likely be among the first targets as they seem to enjoy showing a little more décolletage than one would expect from a predominately Islamic Nation. (Also depriving many a red blooded male of one of the few simple pleasures left to them after marriage)
In addition, despite assurances to the people that this is not a religious law, the passing of this bill to many people seems to be a step towards the creation of a Sharia based legal system which would fulfil l the wishes of many extremists who canvassed extensively to have this bill passed. Fuckwits, all of them!
These are the same groups who took to the streets in often violent demonstrations over the Danish cartoons, citing that they were pornographic and were used to fan the flames in their battle to transform Indonesia into a strict Islamic nation.
With the transformation of this bill into law, a "rigid social template" can be introduced, not dissimilar to Saudi Arabia's strict regime where kissing in public, flaunting sensual body parts or using these bodies to titilate (See also Descriptions in 1 above), wearing tight clothes or getting caught short unexpectedly could have you jailed for up to five years.
Women's groups are understandably up in arms about the whole thing (except for those in Jilabs) Bali has claimed that it will not enforce it (despite claims that bikinis in Bali are an an exception - no word on thongs yet) and, as stated earlier, the entertainment industry in Jakarta believe that this is their death knell.
What really prompted this post is the fact that my Stat Counter showed that one of my posts had been hotlinked onto a website called the World Sex Guide, wherein, a complete guide to services, locations, girls and even performance reviews of the said girls (some with photographic evidence) was listed for Jakarta.
It seem's that these "sex mongerers" are themselves starting to get worried about what the repercussions are for them whilst they are involved in their seedy activities. (The Travel Hotel in Kota seems to be a favourite haunt for them)
For the regular folk here in Jakarta, it shall be a case of "suck it and see" (no pun intended) and wait to discover whether this law shall go the way of many other laws which are not enforced.
For the sex predators, I trust that this encourages them to start behaving in a sensible manner and avoid such activities..... while, for the people that campaigned to pass this bill
"Go f*ck yourself"