Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Police Academy Psych Tests

In a daring move the Jakarta Police Force made 4,700 of their brown shirted (to match the brown envelopes) officers undergo psychological tests to “gauge their ability to endure harsh street conditions in the city.”

Apparently the tests were ordered because members of the public had complained about the “erratic” behaviour of said officers while on duty.

The official line was that “analysis showed that such behaviour may have been caused by harsh working conditions the officers faced on a daily basis, the bad traffic may have put them under a lot of stress," as quoted by

Oh to have been a fly on the wall at these interviews…I have visions of new skills being developed here including: 

Turning a blind eye while receiving a bribe

 Assessing a persons worth in deciding how much the “spot fine” shall be

 Being able to guess how much smoke is belching out of the exhaust pipe and how much to pretend it does not exist 

Pocketing cash while directing traffic through red lights

 The list could go on, however, despite the testing it appears that the need for lunch money continues!


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