They are at it again!
The Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) possibly the most influential bunch of f*ckwits in the country have once again called for a ban on - wait for it - Facebook
An NU spokesman Abdul Muid Shohib said:
"Communication using mobile phones was prone to adultery, especially between the sexes."
So, it seems that adultery with the same sex seems less pernicious, or is that me just jumping to the wrong conclusion.
He continues.... various quotes here were published by the Jakarta Post.
"The only communication allowed between different sexes is that which spreads Islamic teachings, he said.
"We have banned social networking such as Facebook, Friendster and others because they are not used to spread Islamic teachings, but for gossiping,"
"The edict is to warn Indonesian Muslims, because many of them including our students are using Facebook and Friendster. We are very concerned that cyber pornography is infiltrating these networks."
"If nothing changes in a month, we'll demand the government block access to Facebook, Friendster and other networks."
Ironically, the Big Brother of the NU, also prone to issuing nonsensical edicts, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) were asked about the same issue and their influential East Java head Abdussomad Buchori acknowledged he had no idea about online social networking, but would support the edict if it prevented adultery.
"The MUI would never ban Internet use provided it is for learning or information seeking purposes."
This kind of posturing both amuses and annoy's me in equal measure. These are the same people who have made statements such as:
On Homosexuality...
"It's a curable disorder. There have been many cases where homosexuals have realized what they did was wrong and became heterosexuals again. It's something that can be fought off."
On female Circumcision:
"said that his august organisation had no problems with female circumcision, because it was a duty for Muslims, was safe and did not cause any health problems for those who underwent it."
On Anti-Sin legislation
"would be along the lines of similar laws in Tangerang but more comprehensive, covering all sorts of sinful activities that Jakartans are prone to indulging in."
On Yoga:
“If there is chanting incorporated in the exercise, that needs to be looked into as it is syirik (against the religion) when a Muslim worships gods other than Allah,”
Keep's getting better and better here, cannot wait for whats next!