Saturday, 12 July 2008

Nee how, Nae Dug

Arrived in Beijing late on Friday night and when I was guzzling some breakfast before my trip back to the airport, this headline stood out..

Sale of Dog Meat Banned during Olympics.

The canine cuisine has been struck from the menus of officially designated Olympic restaurants and Beijing tourism officials are telling other outlets to discourage consumers from ordering dishes made from dogs.

Waiters and waitresses should "patiently" suggest other options to diners who order dog, it said, quoting city tourism bureau Vice Director Xiong Yumei.

Dog, known in Chinese as "xiangrou," or "fragrant meat," is eaten for its purported health-giving qualities.

I know that In Sichuan I have been offered it and basically declined (Ah'm no fucking eating that - with the Scottish accent even the interpreter did not understand but the body language worked)

Dogs in China can apparently breathe easy for another couple off weeks before open season starts again!



  2. posted something similar on a similar topic myself :D

  3. Rob, I know, only found out after I had posted.

    China still blocks and I am using a "top secret" proxy to sneak these reports out.

    PS: If you are leaving Jakarta, a beer is in order....

  4. So where does this leave the humble "hot dog"???????
