(Too subtle ? - Three Hoes)
With the number of HIV/AIDS fatalities increasing in Denpasar, Bali, some citizens have urged the Bali administration to create a legalized prostitution area so prostitutes could be easily monitored.
By the weekend, three more people had died of HIV/AIDS in Denpasar, one of them a local government official.
"I think the Bali administration should establish a district for prostitutes even though prostitution is in conflict with the norms and religions here, as this is the only way to control the spreading of HIV/AIDS," Denpasar resident Sukarno Fuckwit said as quoted by beritabali.com on Sunday.
He hoped people would stop being hypocrites, he said.
"Prostitution has existed here a long time, and it's almost impossible to eliminate such a practice. The only way is to control it," he said. Made Fuckwit, a resident of Kawan Bangli, shared a similar view, saying weighing the “pros and cons” on the establishment of a red-light district should be ended soon.
(Pro’s and Cons, odd choice of words but perhaps prophetic if the proposal goes ahead)
"The most important thing is to control and reduce the spread of AIDS, soon" he said.
Funny old world, everywhere else in Indonesia they want to stamp it out but in Bali, things are never as they seem.
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