After extensive research it is out, the less than definitive Bahasa Swearapedia
(Editor takes no rsponsibility for content)
Bangsat - Bastard
Bule - Caucasian
Gila - Crazy
Sinting - Crazy
Isep kontol gua - Suck my genitalia (Male)
Kontol - Genitals (Male)
Peler - Genitals (Male)s
Titit - Genitals (Male)
Monyet - Monkey
Ngentot - The " F " Word
Ngentot lu - "F" you
Jancuk - "F" you
Ngehe loe - "F" you
Ngewe - Copulating
Memek / Puki / Pepe - Genitals (Female)
Pentil - Nipple
Toket - Breast
Toket besar - Big breast
Jembut - Pubic hair
Biji - Testicles
Pentil - Nipple
Palaji - Foreskin
Mandipantat - Copulates with Mother
Tollo - Idiot
Blo'on - Idiot
Otak udang - Shrimp brain
Tai babi - Pig shit
Martole jonjong emahi - Standing copulation
Lobang pantat - Asshole
Kunyuk - Monkey
Kura kura - Turtle ? (Whats this one for?)
Tai kucing - Bullshit! (lit. Cat shit)
Goblok - Stupid
Anjing - Dog
Tai - Shit
Mukamu jelek sekali - You have a very ugly face! (Excellent)
Ngepet - Shit
Babi - Pig
Tai lu - You're bullshitting (lit: your shit)
Meki - Pussy
Colli - Masturbation Artist
Bego - Stupid
Puki - Gentals (Female)
Puki mak lu (pukima) - Your mother's genitals
Edan - Crazy
Sinting - Crazy
Muka kontol - Dick Face
Kontol Peluh - Impotent
Bencong Bertitit Dicky - Faggot
Kontol Kecil Mini - dick
Nyokap lo perek - Your mom is a slut
Makan tai - Eat shit
Kontol Buduk - Maggoty Male genitalia
Nyokap lo bencong - Your mom is a she-male
Nyokap lo pembokat - Your mom is a worthless maid
Biji lo botak - Hairless ball
Biji kodok - Frog's ball
Otak Memek - Genitals (Female) for Brain
Tai anjing - Dog shit
Tai babi - Pig shit
Mati aja lo - Drop dead
Bokong - Ass
Lonte - Whore
Wingkeng - Genitals (Female)
Ciak wingkeng - Rug Munching
Lonte - Bitch
Mamak kau lonte - Your mom is a bitch
Germo - Pimp
Muka jamban - Toilet bowl face
Jahanam - Bastard
Keparat - Bastard
Minta gue gampar? - Are you asking to be beat up?
Setan! - Damn (lit. Satan)
Nnientot ibu kamu - Copulate with your mother
Brengsek - Damn
Mulut lu penuh tai - Your mouth is full of shit
Banci (pronounced Ban-chee) - Transvestite/gay
Kamu mata sapi - You are a fried egg (WTF)
Memek lu licin banget. - Your genitals (Female) is so slippery
Mamah mu murah sekali. - Your mum is very cheap
Muka anjing - Dog face
Otak segede biji kacang - Peanut sized brain
Jamput - Damn
Gatal - Horny (lit: itch)
Jangkrik - Grasshopper
Makmu sempakan seng - Your mother wore metal underwear (Brilliant)
Senuk - Whore
Nyenuk - Copulating
Di ancuk jaran - A horse copulated with you
Wandu - Gay
Sundel - Whore
Kongkek - Copulating
Disambar geledek - Struck by lightning (Apparently very bad)
Pepek - Genitals (Female)
Zakar lu terlalu pendek - Your Genitalia (Male) is too short
The best of the bunch is.......
Kontol loe saking busuknya, diisèp-isèpin ama kècoa ngèrès! - Your Genitalia(Male) smells so bad, horny cockroaches like to lick it and suck it!
Pantat besar - Big ass
Pantat - Ass
Babi Bunting - Pregnant Pig
Sepong kontol gue - Suck my Genitalia (Male)
Ngocok - Masturbate