Inspiration came via a glance at the hills on my way to work last Wednesday. One of these bright and clear Jakarta mornings showed the Gunungs in the distance and I knew instantly where we were heading that afternoon.
Taking the Jagorawi Toll, a journey which I have only made three times, two for the A1 Motro races and one for the obligatory visit to Tamam Safari, we chose not to take the well trodden Bogor / Puncak / Tamam Safari road and instead headed right at the junction and made for Ciawi.
As soon as the dual carriageway stopped it became apparent that the decision to avoid the more common tourist route was a good one as the road narrowed and the small market town ahead bustled with "real kampung" activity (as compared to Jakartan kampung activity)
Between the small villages, paddies, hill's and landscapes changed with each kilometre travelled, no two vita's were the same...
The ubiquitous handicraft stores were strewn along the roads, however, not so much "in your face" as Bali can be....
Garden Furniture....
WTF, still never figured this stuff out...
Meanwhile, as we travelled, the little bit's of landscape which makes this place unique unfolded...
The strange multi-storey living accomodations...
Bamboo Car Ports....
More high rise housing....
Wobbly Roofs
Cock Fighting!
Just houses and mountains...
More Paddies...
More mountains and clouds....
Mosques under construction...
Small hidden Kampungs
And finally ending up South of Bogor.
All in all, a three and a half hour trip well worth making...I should do this more often methinks....